What climate policies would Americans support?

At the U.N. Climate Summit in Glasgow, Scotland, President Biden has been presenting the world with the ambitious steps the United States plans to take to reach its Paris agreement goals. His administration has been trying to move climate provisions through the Build Back Better package as part of this effort. Sen. Joe Manchin III…

Large Majority Favors Paid Family and Medical Leave Proposed for Reconciliation Budget Plan

Six-in-ten voters support a proposed plan to federally fund up to 12 weeks of paid family or medical leave for all Americans, according to a new in-depth survey by the Program for Public Consultation (PPC) at the University of Maryland. The plan put forward in President Biden’s American Families Plan calls for the federal government…

Large Majorities Favor Child Care and Nutrition Proposals Being Considered for Reconciliation Budget Plan

Large majorities of American voters favor several proposals for increasing federal support for children that are being considered for the reconciliation budget plan. More than six-in-ten voters support an increase in federal subsidies for child care. Two-thirds favor making permanent the credits for summer meals for low-income families with children. In the innovative survey of…

Large Majorities Favor Increased Federal Spending for Higher Education, As Called For In Reconciliation Budget Plan

A large majority of voters support increases in federal spending on higher education, a central principle in the reconciliation budget plan currently being negotiated in Congress. Two specific proposals also being considered for the reconciliation budget plan-increasing Pell Grants and federally-supported tuition-free community college-also elicit support from large majorities. In the innovative survey of 2,613…