Large Majorities of Republicans and Democrats Agree on Steps to Drastically Reduce Social Security Shortfall

The in-depth survey of a representative sample of more than 2,500 registered voters found that large majorities of Republicans and Democrats favored proposals for increasing revenue (increasing taxes on the wealthy, raising the payroll tax) and trimming benefits (raising the retirement age, trimming benefits for high earners), as well as increasing the minimum monthly benefit…

Large Bipartisan Majorities Favor Congress Funding Substance Abuse Treatment for All Who Want It

Large majorities of both Republicans and Democrats support federal funding to expand substance use disorder treatment programs to ensure that all Americans who need and want treatment are able to get it–what is sometimes called “treatment on demand.” A representative sample of 2,607 American voters were given a detailed presentation of numerous Congressional reforms that…

New Report Shows Americans Support 19 of the Major Proposals in Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

A new analysis of past in-depth surveys conducted on 20 of the major proposals in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022—related to the environment, health care, and the workforce—shows that 19 proposals receive majority support, including majorities of Democrats and Independents, and in most cases, large bipartisan majorities. Among Republicans, majorities support thirteen of the…

Strong Bipartisan Majority Favors Funding for Mental Health Professionals to Respond to Mental Health-Related 911 Calls, Rather than Police

A large bipartisan majority of three-in-four voters favors the federal government funding local programs that give 911 operators the ability to first send mental health professionals and social workers to a mental health-related incident, rather than police officers. Support is robust across party affiliation (Republicans 59%, Democrats 92%, independents 75%) and congressional districts (very red…