Two-Thirds Oppose US Withdrawal From Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty, New Survey Finds

As the Trump administration has formally initiated the process of withdrawing from the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty with Russia, saying that Russia has persistently violated the Treaty, a just-completed survey of American voters finds that two thirds oppose taking this step, opting instead for staying within the Treaty and redoubling efforts to work with…

Major Study Finds 2020 Voters Seeking Candidates Who Will Be More Responsive to the People

Voters from Both Parties Endorse New ‘Citizen Cabinet’ Method for Consulting Constituents Most Believe Government Would Find More Common Ground if Public Has More Influence Looking toward 2020, a major new study finds voters are seeking candidates who they believe will be more responsive to the people. Their dissatisfaction with elected officials in Washington, DC is fueled…

Overwhelming Bipartisan Majorities Support Bill Giving Judges Discretion to Moderate Prison Sentencing

A new survey finds overwhelming bipartisan support for provisions in a bill that would give judges greater discretion to ease prison sentencing, sponsored by U.S. Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA).  Some provisions were also contained in the House-passed First Step Act. Both pieces of legislation would roll back mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses that were…